Internet,as all of we know,is spreading in whole of the world day by day like a "Wild Fire",or should we say "Electric Fire"?!!!
So,by the way,many web browsers are available now-a-days,in the market of internet.But choosing the right product is really difficult as every browser shows its own unique features.Therefore,in order to come out of these Illussions and have the Best Product,Read this one:-
Mozilla FirefoxThe mo

st preferred Browser today,rated 5 stars at every site,really deserves what it gets.However,the start of Mozilla wasn't so popular,as it doesn't gave as much utilities as it gives to its users now.Mozilla Firefox is considered as the best web browser.Its Features are as follows:
1. Its really Incredibly Fast at browsing and Surf.
2. The Default Aero Style makes it better in looks.
3. The comfortable multi-tabs advantage also make it cosy for users.
4. The easy close in multi-tabs,the tab additions,are the newest features added to it(3.5.1).
5. The Download Manager is the best feature ever in a web browser.
6. Multiple Security Add-ons make it a safe web browser.
7. Web Utilities on Mozilla are absolutely Freeware.
8. Other basic utilities like bookmarks,edit,etc. are very easy to use.
Therefore,Firefox is really built for everyone.

best-in-its-class browser,Opera is the best browser for huge downloads.However,as its download manager is as powerful as of DAP,it hasn't got a cool ability of great browsing as in Mozilla Firefox now a days.Following are its Unique Features:
1. As I said,the download manager is the most powerful manager for huge downloads as like windows downloads.
2. It has got fastest browsing speed,even faster than Firefox!!!
3. The greatest themes for browsers are found in only Opera.
4. The Hand Utilities are really Cool and easy to use.
5. Its Smooth finish and search makes the users cheerful.
6. And its Speed Dial is liked by whole of the World.
Internet ExplorerThe Wh

ole Default Web Browser given by Microsoft is really Fabulous.The web browser is going down,but by its newer versions,it gets users to a newer experience of browsing.It has got all new features,but till now,many basic features hated by the users aren't corrected,so it hasn't got the rank of best browser.Its Download Manager is really very sticky,it really itches to me when I download something.And its Sticky new windows really disturb me.Its Features (new) are as follows:
1. It has get a new,sporty look,liked by every Windows User.
2. It has got Advanced Settings,like choosing the Acceleration provider,search provider,etc.,which really make it fantastic Browser drive
3. The better history and book markings make it a professional browser.
4. Till it is made by Microsoft,It has got better response towards Windows than any other browser.
Hence,these were the Top Three Best Browsers till now.
As the Netscape Navigator and other old browsers got their positions down,the Top Five List is as follows:
Mozilla Firefox2.
Internet Explorer4.
Google ChromeNote: Thats the result of July,2009,according to me and my observation.
Also,try to use safari and google chrome.